Poem and Pictograph
in Earth Language
This section is to introduce you a poem/haiku/story in English and Japanese with the Earth Language expression: used ideographs, phonetics, and an EL pictograph by hoo's arbitrary choices. It was monthly series for 11 years since 1999, but now is occasionally series. Please enjoy.
Recommendations of haiku are welcome.
If you'd like to view the Japanese parts, here explains how to do.
ご感想・ご意見・俳句の推薦など歓迎します、日本語目次ページからYoshiko宛 にどうぞ。
12 Season's Greetings Haiku and Sculpture [Forgiveness} by hoo
11 Haiku and haiga [An autumnal drop] by hoo
09 Three haiku and haiga [Autumn is comming] by hoo
08 Haiku with its EL-pictographic image [A pear] by hoo
06 Land Spirit Sculpture and Haiku -both by hoo-
04 Butterfly sculptures and each haiku both by hoo
01 Holiday Season EL Haiga by hoo(December 12/2013-01/2014)
12 Haiga with EL Pictograph for haiku, "Love this rain" by a Yugambeh (Australia)
09 Haiku in Earth Language Feature in A Hundred Gourds 2:4 September 2013 (This is an external website)The original haiku in this PDF files are by
Marianna Monaco(USA), Claire Everett (UK)
paul m (USA), Jack Galmitz (USA), Bob Lucky (Ethiopia),
Robert Epstein (USA), Benjamin Moeller-Gaa (USA),
Mark E. Brager (USA), Magdalena Banaszkiewicz (Poland)
Sanjukta Asopa's haiku (India)08 An EL-Photo Message [to suffering people] by hoo
05 An EL Pictograph for Haiku [first heat] by Melissa Allen - U.S.A.
04 EL Haiku [a flower] (April 2013) by hoo
02 Photo & EL series "hoo's early spring snap" 1-4 (In The EL page in Facebook)
02 An EL Pictograph for Haiku [a frozen heart] by hoo
01 EL Pictograph for Haiku [morning prayers] by Kara Ramesh (India) インドのケイラ・ラメシュさんの俳句「朝の祈り」に文字絵
12 Haiku and its EL pictograph [Migratory birds] boss by Kuniharu Shimizu (at his Haiga site) 清水国治さんの俳句とEL俳画)
12 Haiku [New Year's Eve] by Toni Piccini (Italy) and its EL pictograph イタリアのトニ・ピッチーニさんの俳句「大晦日」
12 EL Haiku and its Pictograph [No Border] by hoo
11 An EL Pictograph and a Phonetics Expression for Haiku [setting sun] by hoo俳句「夕日」の文字絵と音声表現 と
11 Haiku [forest spirit] with a wall-paint by hoo (Earth Language Time-line in Fasebook)
11 EL Pictograph for Haiku, [turtle] by hoo 「亀です」に文字絵
10 EL Pictograph for Haiku, [the ocean] by Kara Ramesh (Indea) インドのケイラ・ラメシュさんの俳句 『海』に文字絵
09 A landscape with an EL symbol and haiku by hoo
09 EL Pictograph for Haiku [harvest moon] by Lorin Ford (Australia) ローリン・フォードさんの俳句「ハーベスト・ムーン」に文字絵
08 Pictographic expression of Jean Cocteau's poem [My Ear] ジャン・コクトーの詩 「耳」の文字絵
07 Play with Clay [The Earth] as examples of pictographic expressions by hoo 粘土で遊ぶ「地球」
09 A Haiku [Healing by Swaying] by hoo 「ゆれるヒーリング」
08 Kids' EL Drawing Song 1-3 (a trial)
03 Gathering of Haiku sent relating to the Great East Japan Earthquake
(Now six authors' haiku are in English, Japanese and partially translated into EL
You are still welcome to send haiku for this subject)
06 Haiku "The sacred arrow" by Clelia Ifrim 「聖矢」
02 Haiku "winter garden" by Desiree McMurry 「冬の庭」
01 Haiku "flying fish" by Dhugal J Lindsay (an Australian in Japan) 「飛魚」
04 Haiku "the eyes of rain" by Hristo Paunov Ke Pella (Bulgarian) 「雨の目」
03 Haiku "on the lingam" by Geert Verbeke (Flanders-Belgium) 「リンガ上」
02- extra essay - Japanese Soil produced Haiku culture and Global-haiku
俳句を育てた日本の土壌とグローバル・ハイク by hoo (February 20, 2009)
02 Haiku "the river moves" by Geert Verbeke (Flanders-Belgium) 「鉢歌う」
01 Haiku "icy rain" by Fay Aoyagi 「氷雨降る」
12 Haiku "With no net" by Toni Piccini (Italy) 「網なしで」2007
11 Poem "the pond in my hometown" by Tian Yuan (Chinese in Japan) 「古里の池」
10 Haiku "I'll walk" by Suzuki Shin'ichi (Japan) 「走るなら歩く」
09 Haiku "The jungle of life" by Georges Friedenkraft (France) 「命のジャングル」
08 Haiku "summer stillness" by Peggy W Lyles (Illinois) 「夏の静けさ」
07 Haiku "open door" by A. Thiagarajan (India) 「開くドア」
06 Haiku "in my body" by Kiyomi Sato (Japan) 「体内に」
05 Haiku "ebb tide" by Carla Sari (North Carlton, Australia) 「引き潮に」
04 Haiku "unpicked flowers" by an'ya (Oregon, USA) 「摘まぬまま」
03 Haiku "a blue heron" by Patricia Prime (New Zealand) 「青鷺が」
02 Haiku "between our spines" by Dana Duclo (Arizona) 「背骨のすきま」
01 Haiku "global family" by hoo 「地球家族」
12 Haiku "dried-up rose" by Pepa Kondova (Bulgaria) 「干からびたバラ」2006
11 Haiku "in the beach sand" by Rosa Clement (Brazil)「亀の巣」
10 Haiku "Scarecrow" by Suzuki Hidaka (10 years old, Gunma, Japan) 「かがし」
09 Haiku "A cat on the roof" by Sayumi Kamakura (Japan) 「猫を屋根に」
08 Haiku "sunflower" by the late Fukio Shiba (Ehime, Japan) 「向日葵の蘂」
07Haiku "an open window" by Jane Reichhold (California) 「開かれた窓」
06 Haiku "necklace" by Roberta Beary (East-coast) 「ネックレス」
05 Haiku "Two wrincled hands" by Gilles Fabre (Ireland) 「皺だらけの手」
04 Haiku "I take a stone" by Casimiro De Brito (Portuguese)「手に石一つ」
03 Haiku "willows start" by Akihiro Kitano 「芽吹くため」
02 Haiku and the Pictograph in EL, "on the snow" by Tsengeg (Mongolia) 「雪の上」
01Haiku "cityscape--" by Kuniharu Shimizu 「都市景色」
12 Haiku "With crows" by Ban'ya Natsuishi 「カラスと」2005
11 Haiku "desert rockhole_" by John Bird 「洞窟や」
10 Haiku "the river" by Jim Kacian 「月を恋う」
09 One-line-haiku "my head in the clouds" by Ruby Spriggs 「雲のまなかに」
08 Haiku "To accept" by Bin Akio 「蝦蟇の眼を」
07 Haiku"Cicada Birthday" by Gabi Grave 「蝉新生」
06 Haiku " a buzz of wings―" by Carol Raisfeld「羽音聞く」
05 Single line Haiku "birdcall" by Sue Standford 「鳥の真似」
04 Haiku "spring noon" by Elena Naskova 「春まひる」
03 Haiku "bring to the willow " by Jim Norton 「柳にこい」
02 Haiku "teeth of the snowstorm" by Mika (Mihajlo Pavlovic , a Serbian lawyer) 「雪猛り」
01 Haiku "All the rivers" by John Kinory in England 「川みんな」
12 Kakinomoto-no-Hitomaro's Tanka and the background as the roots of the Japanese culture2004
11 Haiku "a frog sits naked" by Duncan MacLaurin in Denmark 「蛙坐す」
10 Cinqku "Vespers--" by Cristian Mocanu in Romania 「夕べの祈り」(5行俳句)
09 Haiku "under the laburnum" by Angelee Deodhar in India 「ラバナムの下」
08 Haiku "summer butterfly" by Yoshiko McFarland 「夏の蝶」
07 Haiku "curious fish" by Zoran Mimica 「奇妙魚」
06 Mandala Taught by Forest (14) – Plant and Human -
森が教えてくれたマンダラ(14)- 植物と人間 - アリストテレスと地球語の間で
Thoughts about plants and humans, comparing the Aristotle and EL ways
05 Haiku "sunshine on the canal" by Colo Buchanan 「堀光る」
04 Tanka "A child's heart"「子供の心」 by Kevin
03 Mandala Taught by Forest (13) - Deadly Symbols -「死のイメージを持つシンボル」
Humans have traditionally had deadly symbols; what shall we do with them? e.g. Revelation of John.
02 Haiku "a dead branch" by Kitano Akihiro 北野晶裕さんの俳句「枯枝」
01 Haiku "The hot yellow sun" by Loli Karas ロリ・カラスさんの俳句「照り照る日」
12 Haiku "My hair goes" by Timothy Russell ティモシー・ラッセルさんの俳句「初国や」2003
11 Haiku "Pollock's coloring" by Sadako Okamoto 岡本さだこさんの俳句「ポロックの絵の具」
10 Haiku "the wrincles"「笑いジワ」 by Mamiko
09 Haiku "On the shore" by Nancy H. Wiley ナンシー・ウィレイさんの俳句「岸の辺に」
08 Mandala Taught by Forest (12) – Cildren of Mother Earth - 地球母の子どもたち -
about sharing such a common base for thinking. こんな視点からのみんなが考えれば・・
07 Picto-jokes: something new experipent, used EL characters
06 Haiku "alone in the nest" by Rodrigo A. Siqueira in São Paulo, Brazil
05 Dog Haiku "belly-up" by Steve D. Marsh スティーブ・マーシュの犬の俳句「おなかのひなたぼっこ」
04 Tanka "Yellow Butterfly" by Reiko Nakagawa 中川禮子作「もんきてふ」
03 Mandala Taught by Forest (11) – Calendar - 暦 -
Comparing main calendars and the histories, to think about the global calendar
02 Goodbye Dad
1: American Paternal Love, 2: The Way of Death...a story learned from father in law and his death
「さよならMyron」Japanese (アメリカの父性から世界を考えさせてくれた人:1:父性愛のアメリカ、2:死への道)
01 Mandala Taught by Forest (10) – Communication To Share Feelings - 気持ちをシェアする伝達 -
Sometimes a simple word has more power than logical expressions.
12 Mandala Taught by Forest (9) - Contact With The Earth - 地球とつながる
Anybody can easily get a peaceful hug from the mother earth...
11 goodnight, stars, (haiku by DW Bender) 「お休み、星」
10 fall, walking alone- (haiku by Ray Rasmussen) 「独り秋」
09 ant goes agile (haiku by Sadako Okamoto) 「蟻迅し」
08 still no word (haiku by Robert Scott) 「まだことばないまま」
07 Rumpled Tablecloth (haiku by Sangeet) 「卓上布波立ち」
06 [Mandala Taught by Forest - 8 - Images of Left and Right] 左と右のイメージ
How were English words, "left and right" developed in the culture?
Is the thought proper in the global society? 左右の単語から見える効率優先の英語文化
05 [Mandala Taught by Forest - 7 - Image of Balance/harmony] バランスのイメージ
Basic images of 'balance' are different between west and east, so their thinking ways are also.
04 The Pond This Evening (haiku by Serge Tomé ) 池暮れて
03 And You Dance (a poem by Lauren Carlisle) そしてあなたは踊る
02 [Mandala Taught by Forest - 6 - Evolved Language 進化言語]
About the concept of Earth Language: It must have evolved differently from the traditional language systems 一段進化した言語、地球語のコンセプトについて
01 [Mandala Taught by Forest - 5 - Languages in the past]
「森が教えてくれたマンダラ・5・ 言語今まで」
12 [ Mandala Taught by Forest - 4 - Mandala of Joy]2001
「森が教えてくれたマンダラ・ 4 ・よろこびのマンダラ」
11 Indian Summer ( haiku by Carolyn Hall)インディアン・サマー
10 [ Mandala Taught by Forest -3- Nature Circulating ] /
A diagram used EL symbols about the nature system which supports all lives , and the poem
09 [ Mandala Taught by Forest -2- Ivy Society ] /「森が教えてくれたマンダラ・2・蔦社会」
About the network society in our era. The ivy lifestyle in the forest might symbolize it.
08 [ Mandala Taught by Forest -1- Chaos ] /「森が教えてくれたマンダラ・1・カオス」
07 [ Mandala Taught by Forest -- Introduction -- ]
Yoshiko and her husband had fallen into a pitfall in their life for last three months; This page is about what happened and what she learned there with photos and haiku, also introduces a new series.
07 「森が教えてくれたマンダラ・序」
05-06 Sorry, it was suspended, owing to unavoidable circumstances. 事故のため休刊しました。
04 Dark Lake (haiku by Sean Lause) 暗い湖
03 Melting Ice (haiku by by Sohail Ahmed Siddiqui) 氷解
02 Gargoyles (haiku by Takeshita Minami) 鬼瓦
01 Open the Door (haiku by Janice M. Bstok) 戸をあける
12 Mom's Birthday (haiku by Mark Brooks) 母の誕生日2000
11 Foghorn (haiku by Christopher Herold) 霧笛
10 From Mother Earth (message after 9.11 by Yoshiko) 地球母から子どもたちへ(Japanese)
09 Short Happiness (haiku by Chime in Mongol) 「歓喜つかのま」
08 monologue of Gobiraff ( poem by Kusano Shinpei )『定本蛙』「ごびらっふの独白」
07 Sketches from WA ( by Yoshiko ) ワシントンからのスケッチ
06 Pass Begins ( haiku by Debi Bender ) 小道
05 Pine needles ( haiku by Michael Dylan ) 泉
04 White line ( tanka by Higashi Naoko ) 白き線
03 Barefoot ( tanka by Nishioka Tokue ) 素足にて
02 Drum ( poem by Patricia Joudain ) ドラムになりたい
01 Why I Was Born ( poem by Daisuke Tanaka ) 「 あなたにあいたくて生まれてきた詩」
12 Star Ripens (tanka by Terayama Shuji) 「歌ひとつ」1999
11 Silent Moon (haiku by Charles Rossiter) 「月しずか」
10 a song given by wolves to a Teton Sioux, Brave Buffalo 「夢からの歌」
09 The world of due (haiku by Issa) 「露の世」
08 Distant Thunder (haiku by William C. Burns, Jr.) 「遠雷」
07 Crossroads by Geoffrey Wilson 「辻」
06 Firefly (haiku by Mark Alan Osterbas) 「蛍」
05 A Message by a Chitmachas Chief (アメリカ先住民の知恵のことば)
04 The tree inside me ( poem by Rainer Maria Rilke 「内なる樹」
03 A Butterfly (poem by Anzai Fuyue) 「てふてふが一匹」
02 Snow Flakes (haiku by Koson Hamada) 「風花」
01 Earth People's Era (starting Y2K by Yoshiko) (地球民時代)
12 New Lives ( the era sketch) いのちたち
11 Earth Boat (related to Y2K) 地球船(Japanese)
10 Extinct Lives (example of using EL phonetics) 絶滅した命たち
09 Black Kind (by Tanikawa Shuntaro) 「黒い王様」
08 A part of Scandinavian 'Edda'スカンジナビアのエッダより
07 White horses (haiku by Megan Pocock) 「白い馬」
06 One Moon from Three Boats (a Chinese proverb) 「一月三舟」
05 Solidarity ( poem by Gary Snyder, from "Turtle Island")「連帯しよう」(『亀の島』より)
04 Seneca Indian poem (poem style by Jerome Rothenberg) セネカ・インディアンの詩
03 Spring soil (haiku by Takeshita Minami) 春の土
02 February (an example of EL usage) 二月
To the topAll pages here were edited by Yoshiko McFarland