Monthly Poem and Pictograph in Earth Language (Nov. 2002)

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This is an EL (Earth Language) experimental page to enjoy
the image/meaning of a short poem originally in English or Japanese.
When you can't see the Japanese parts, please don't mind to skip them.

For this month, breaking the Mandala series, I introduce to you a haiku by Ms. Carolyn Hall ( California, US ). I found it at WORLD HAIKU COMPETITION The R. H. Blyth Award in World Haiku Review , and it is one of the Seven Honorable Mentions.

November is the month that many hawks can be seen above the hills over the Golden Gate Bridge, just like this haiku. The  phrase Indian Summer has been used for more than 300 years in North America (it began in the eastern U.S.) for calm, mild weather around October/November. Here in San Francisco,  it's cold in August and warmer in September/November; then it cools down and again some warm cozy days come back on November. So I have felt that November fits well with Indian Summer.

But seeing mails in October, I realized Sweden had snow already, and leaves were falling in western Europe, and knew they also have similar phrases in each language as well as Japanese, also. So I made a table to compare the similar phrases (mostly based on each culture) below, while EL expresses the phrase as the common concept. If you know more expressions in other languages, please let me know to share with everyone.

Also I wondered why they called it 'Indian' summer, but nobody really knew. Carolyn, the author of the haiku searched this web site for me about why. Several reasons can be considered, but no one can prove it because it's from very long ago.

Traditional languages each have historical and cultural influences, which are what makes them interesting. Universal usage of EL can't have that kind of mystery; it always has to be understandable.

今月はマンダラシリーズを中断してCarolyn Hall さん(California, US)の俳句です。 World Haiku Reviewの中の WORLD HAIKU COMPETITION The R. H. Blyth Award のページのSeven Honorable Mentionsからみつけました。Carolynさんの許しを得て、ご紹介します。


ところで、インデアン・サマーという語、辞書によると1770-80/1794などに初出とありますが、なぜインディアンなのかしらといろいろ調べました。でもどうやらミステリーなようです。( 参考) 地域の文化が基になったいいまわしですので、地球語では、共通概念として表現し、当然地球語表現はつまらなくなります。けれど、各地の同じような概念をつなぐことはできます。 ついでに、いろんな地域の同義語をメール友の協力を得て下に集めてみました。比較してみてください。

Original Haiku (by Carolyn Hall ):
indian summer
the intersecting circles
of hawks

The Japanese Translation (by Yoshiko):

The EL Translation:

(the time is front): later 後の
{ out/away from clothes/cover (), {nature,time} season (季節)}: summer
: summer of the behind season (modifying from the left to the right): ndian summer 小春日和
notation for a pause (休止符)
: circle (
: (the grammatical notation for conjunction) and (
{ preposition mark, work); by

{ { }('bird' by the total shape),(violent)}: bird of prey; the symbol for 'hawk' is not ready yet, and the symbol for wider meaning is used.
: the grammatical notation to form a d-verb meaning that 'the subject' become(s) in the situation shown by the following character or phrase; or (the subject) do(does) the following  action. d-動詞符
{ (piled),(lines)}: crossed, situation crossed over each other 交差
intersect (交差する)
(in the pictograph){ (spreading energy),(globe)} (by the total shape also): the sun (

The similar phrases/ideoms to 'Indian Summer' in other languages:
(*marked names are the mailers who informed about their phrase, linking their web sites. Thank you! *印は情報提供者です)
phrase/ideom for 小春日和の類似語
its direct meaning/back ground直接の意味
St. Luke's summer/
St. Martin's summer
perhaps because of the blessing and mercy feeling
  of the weather 恵み深い意味で、聖人の名の夏
ete m de la Saint Martin
the same as St. Martin's summer 同上


ete indian( with accents on 'ete')
*Udo (musician )

the same as Indian summer 米語から借用

  na: after, zomer: summer 後の夏
old-lady-summer 老婦人の夏
estate di S. Martino/indiano
estate: summer 英語に同じ
veranillo de San Martin
veranillo: late/untimely summer 時期はずれの遅い夏
Babye Leto ( [ babje ljeta ] in IPA )
( another visual  language, Langust )
Women (married peasant) Summer 働き女の夏
(because of comfortable rest  for peasant women
  after gathering crops


Indian summer
( borrowing from the USA )
*Mattias (phonetics )

the summer of Birgitta (a female name)女聖人の夏:

usually around October 7th: Birgitta's day
(In Sweden almost every day has one or two names
attached ( usually these names are saints' names.
Birgitta, the saint in question lived in the
mid-fourteenth century in Sweden ),
but nowadays they are used as "namesdays",
a person who is called Birgitta, for example, 
may celebrate a little on Oct.7th


ko-haru-biyori 小春日和
(Japanese summer is usually very humid and
uncomfortably hot, and indian summer in Japan
is more like spring weather, and short. )

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