Monthly Poem and Pictograph in Earth Language EL, [an icicle by Mark Brooks (December 2001)

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This is an EL( Earth Language ) experimental page with English and Japanese.

I'm such an ignoramus about poets/haikuists( poem/haiku also: ), and I had not noticed that the author of last month haiku, Mr. Christopher Herold was the editor of ' The Heron's Nest' which I had visited before. Thank you very much for  the kind mails, Christopher.  I found this haiku by Mark Brooks( a Native Texan in Texas, and the editor of Haijinx ) in the section of    'a haikai journal/editor's choices' in the Heron's Nest. I imagined that the author lived far from his mom, and he called her after this scene.
    My birthday is also on this month, and in my case, an icicle drops into  my heart on that day even living in San Francisco, a land of everlasting  spring. Because my birthday is Pearl Harbor Day, and I'm a Japanese in the US. On every birthday, I warm up the icicle to think of bringing global peace with a diversity.

先月の作者から、自分は俳句サイト「鷺の巣」の編集者だとのお便りをいただき、私の無知に恥じ入りました。それで「鷺の巣」にお訪ねして、その中にこの俳句を見つけました。 'a haikai journal/editor's choices'のなかの Mark Brooksさん(Haijinxの編集者)の俳句です。彼はお母さんと離れて暮らしていて、このあとお電話をされたのではないかなぁとか想いました。私も12月生まれなんです。でも私の場合には、誕生日のたびに心につららが刺さります。なぜって、アメリカの暦のパールハーバー・デーがその日だからです。渡米以来、粗食し平和を祈りながらこのつららを解かすのが誕生日の習慣になってしまいました。

original haiku:
mom's birthday-
the phone line drops
 an icicle

Japanese translation:

EL translation:

{62((generation)before),67(life),19(female)}: mother (to modify the next character) (母の)
(* When this pictograph was made, 17 was used instead of 62; later the combination was changed)
{ {22(origin),67} birth, {36(time),44(sun)} day: birthday(誕生日)
{ {36(time),42(wave)}(sound 音), {03(line) for 14(way of something go through)} (a line for something going through なにかが通る線)}: telephone line(電話線)
(e-verb symbol) (fall)(to show an object which actually  becomes an e-verb situation):
 vt. drop something after .   (のあとのものを落とす)
(one) { {34,59(water)}((a) drop of liquid しずく), {24(hard),59} (ice 氷)} (icicle つらら): one icicle (つららひとつ)

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