Monthly Poem and Pictograph in EL (November 2001)

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This is an EL (Earth Language) experimental page explained in English and Japanese.
For this month, I picked Christopher Herold's Haiku ( He is the editor of 'The Heron's Nest') : 1999 Second Place  in Harold G. Henderson Memorial Award Collection in the web site of The Haiku Society of America. When Herold made this haiku, perhaps he had to be feeling joy and excitement. But we can read this haiku in another way now( since Sep. 11th ); as in the dark fog on this world condition with various sounds of foghorns... We can't trust what we see, but we feel we have to do something...

今月は、アメリカ俳句界のウェブサイト、 Harold G. Henderson Memorial Award Collectionから1999年の次席、 Christopher Heroldさんの俳句を取り上げました。彼がこれを詠んだときには、たぶん興奮とよろこびでいっぱいだったことでしょう。でも9月のテロ以来の世界下では、別の読み方もできてしまいます・・ 自分の目を信じることができない霧の未来へ、警戒音の中へ、だからといってじっとしてもいられず舟をおろす私そしてあなた・・
The Original haiku by Christopher Herold

we lower a kayak
into the sound

The Japanese translation

The EL translation

{37(nature),{01(dot).59(water)}( vapor)}: fog (霧)
{{36( time ),42( wave )}( sound ),50( instrument )}: musical/sound instrument (楽器/音の道具)
: foghorn (霧笛)
{{62,34}( I, my, me ),27(plural)): we, our, us(私たち)/ : you (あなた)
ge: make something after (grammatical symbol) into the situation of the following character
{18(down),21(heading)}: downward, heading down (下向・下降)
{21(heading),{46,63}( hand as a fundamental character)}: go ahead by hand (手で進める)
{42(wave),47( container/vehicle in this case)}: (any kinds) boat (種類は問わず、舟・船)
: (a boat which goes by hand power): kayak/rowboat (手こぎ舟)
{gc (preposition),19(inner direction)} : in (~の中に)
{{01,34}( the thing in topic),27(plural)): (modifying next) these( in this case, 'foghorns') (それら)
{{36,42} ( sound ),26(compounded)}: composite sound (複合音)

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