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Living Creatures:
.Classification of lives (生物分類)
Body-features (体の部分) . Parts
and Gradations of Plant (植物の部分と成長過程)
.Primates and Classification of Lives (霊長類) . Mammals (哺乳動物) . Vertebrates (脊椎動物) .
Insects (虫)
.Various Plants .Directions . movements . tools . environments
Location Direction and shape (位置・方向・形)
This section has English and
Japanese explanations; please ignore the Japanese parts,
or if you'd like to learn the Japanese words too on the way, see
here to view Japanese writings.
It is the combination of ( animal: { move, life/living thing} and }. In this case, is not for the meaning of recognition, but symbolizing mammal's breast by its shape.
* Mammals have many characteristics, but nursing with mother's milk is the best for recalling the image.
Scientifically, it means : Class Mammalia.
Most mammals are expressed by a compounded character of and its characteristics.
The most mammal symbols here in the pictures are Genus/Family names scientifically.
To show a species name, put the Genus name in and its characteristic ideogram next.
For more about the classification way and the way to express a mammal name
with plural easy characters and or , see here.: 乳房を象徴する2点 を加えた「動物」{ 動く、 命}の文字で、 哺乳動物を示します。
生物分類の 哺乳綱に当たります。
詳しい種名は、属名を に入れ、その右に特徴を示す記号を並べて表現します。
ほとんどの哺乳類は の上にイメージしやすい固有の特徴を重ねて示しますが、
重ねて複雑になる場合には、文字の中身を左右にわけて でつないでも同じです。
Carnivora (食肉目)
Caniformia (in this group, dog family is familiar to the people
worldwide) (イヌ亜目)
{ (mammal), (home)}: dog (犬)
* It's usually related to human's home in history, so it could help to imagine this mammal.
( Carnivora (Order: Carnival), Caniformia (Sub-order: dog), Canidae, )
or (wildness): coyote (*They are
just related to dog-image, but not to home )(コヨーテ)
or (violent wildness): wolf (狼)
or (small): fox (狐)
or (wild) (large)}: bear (熊)
(long): weasel (イタチ)
(hands: they look like using
their hands): raccoon (ラクーン)
(nasty odor/臭い): skunk (スカンク)
Feliformia (in this group, cat family is familiar to the people
worldwide) (ネコ亜目)
or (nail/claw): Genus Felis, cat
* Mammals usually have nails/claws, but cat's group have more remarkable claws to catch their game.
Their predatory teeth are also a biological feature, but "teeth" symbol is used for rat kinds, since they gnaw most of time.
or (wild): wild-cat/mountain-cat
or large}: Genus Panthera {puma, cougar, mountain lion, panther
or ({power,
large} strong) (the strongest mammal): Lion (ライオン)
(large and one/alone): tiger (虎)
(swift/fast) (the fastest
runner): cheetah (チータ)
Artiodactyla (mammal group having even number hooves; cattle and
deer type of group)(偶蹄目)
(from milk): Family Bovidae/ cattle,
generic term of any kinds of cattle {cow, ox, bull} (ウシ科、牛)
* All mammals raise a baby with milk, but milk of cow is the most common among us humans; so this symbol was made. Also the symbol looks like a cow face a little, don't you think so?
female cattle: cow (牝牛)
male cattle: bull (牡牛)
child cattle: calf (子牛)
group: a herd of cattle (牛の群れ)
{large wild cattle}: buffalo/bison (バッファロー)
(horn): Caribou (トナカイ)
(horn-large): moose (ヘラジカ)
or (horn) (having great horns):
antelope (レイヨウ)
(hair: because of wool image):
sheep (羊)
or (branch): deer/Cervidae (deer Family) (鹿/シカ科の動物)
or (large): elk/Cervus
or (neck): Giraffidae/giraff (キリン)
(meat) (Doesn't it look like a
pig seen from the front?): pig/Suidae (豚・イノシシ科の動物)
or wild/nature: boar (猪)
small: pecarry/Family
Tayassuidae (ペッカリー)
means small boar. (つなぎ記号をはずすと小さな猪の意味になるので要注意)
(large): Hippopotomas/Family
Hippopotamidae (カバ)
{ {(support with legs) and (swelled, hump)}: camel/Family
Camelidae (ラクダ)
* Camelidae is closer to cattle included in the same Order Artiodactyla;
but since humans have used them for a ride and carrying things similarly to horses,
the similar looking symbols to horse was prepared for the camel family.
(mountain): llama (ラマ)
or (legs/support): horse/Family
(fast): race-horse (競走馬)
(small): donkey (ロバ)
(work): mule (ミュール)
or (ear) (with remarkable ears):
Leporidae/rabbit (ウサギ科、ウサギ)
: hare (ノウサギ)
or (teeth) (gnawing with always
growing teeth}: Rodentia/rat (げっ歯目・ネズミ類)
(small): mouse/mice
or (tail): Sciurida/squirrel;
chipmunk (with )
or (nose)-(large): Proboscidea/elephant (長鼻目・象)
{ mammalia, (egg)}(mammals born from an
egg): Monotremata/Platypus (単孔目/カモノハシ)
(Monotremata with needles):
(container/sack): Marsupialia
(large): Kangaroo (カンガルー)
or (small): Wallaby (ワラビー)
or (tree): Phascolarctidae/Koala
(nose; its nose is remarkable):
Didelphidae/Opossum (フクロネズミ)
or (wings): Chiroptera/bat
(hole): Talpidae/ mole (モグラ科、モグラ)
or (needle): Erinaceidae/ hedgehog
Mammals in Water
(* This is not a biologically classified group; but these symbols are set
according to the place where they mainly live, for imagining easiness)
or (ocean): Cetacea/dolphin
or : whale (鯨)
: killer-whale
or (edge of the sea):
Pinnipedia/Otariidae (アシカ亜目、アシカ科)
(vertical) (they can stand
their front body): Otariidae/ eared seals {sea lion, fur seal}(アシカ)
(horizontal) (always
horizontally longer, lying on the land): Phocidae/earless seals/true seals
(fang/tusk): Odobenidae/Walrus
(wave)(floating on the wave):
Lutrinae/Enhydra/sea-otter (カワウソ亜科、ラッコ)
(land)(they move around on the
land, too): river otter (カワウソ)