General Idea for naming things in Earth Language and Classification of lives

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Living Creatures:
.Classification of lives (生物分類)
Body-features (体の部分) . Parts and Gradations of Plant (植物の部分と成長過程)
.Primates and Classification of Lives (霊長類) . Mammals (哺乳動物) . Vertebrates (脊椎動物) . Insects (虫)
.Various Plants .Directions . movements . tools . environments
Location Direction and shape (位置・方向・形)
This section has English and Japanese explanations; please ignore the Japanese parts,
or if you'd like to learn the Japanese words too on the way, see here to view Japanese writings.

日本語生物やものの一般名の表現 (Japanese)
・ 生物の学名

Preface Note:

This page doesn't have any illustrations; but explains how the symbols in
this illustrated dictionary section were considered.

* I'm not a biologist, so have hesitated to prepare symbols for scholarly terms.
But I decided to make some examples for naming things. Living creatures are
systematically classified, although there are various ways. So I'm trying to make
symbols for main animals. When you see how EL could recognize and distinguish them
flexibly and easily there, you might be able to express plants and other artificial things
too in the same way.

For setting these symbols, I've learned referring to the web sites and books
below (under the Japanese writing).
If you find something wrong here, or get better or new ideas,
please let me know. Let's fix and raise the dictionary together.

General Idea for naming things

EL expressions are based on visual thoughts.
Naming things is also set as a simplified picture for a thing,
a combination of element-meanings of a thing,
or the combination of them, as well as for other concepts.

It must be logical and neat to set a simpler symbol for a simpler thing;
but inconvenient to use. Human is the most complicate creature but we:
the users of EL are humans.
So EL is a kind of selfish language for humans' common convenience.
The basis , symbolizing supporting each other or standing on two feet,
shows "human/mankind." Commonly familiar mammals such as horses, dogs and cats
also have simplified and easier imagining symbols to be the criterion
of other mammals in each family.

Basically there are two ways of simplifying to create ideograms.

  1. Making a simplified picture to express the thing.
  2. Narrowing the elements that typify a thing, into its unique body part,
    shape, color, size, how it moves, what it impresses in the humans' daily lives etc.

Many cases a symbol of living thing is made by the combination of both 1 and 2.
Please refer to the main Dictionary too, to see symbols for abstract concepts.

There are three ways to express a name of a living creature:

1) Single shaped ideograms:
Globally familiar names of living things are generally given a single ideogram.
Usually they are for names of binominal Genus, Family or Order.
Even if creating symbols by logical combinations, sometimes symbols of animals
mysteriously look like each face or body shape.

: cattle (including cow, ox, bull and calf) by a combination of { mammal and milk}
(All mammals are raised by milk, but for human lives, the milk of cows is very familiar,
so milk is used for characteristics of cattle kinds.)

: pig
{ mammal and meat (because usually people can imagine them mainly for meat)}

As soon as you see the mammal symbol included in an ideogram,
you can guess it's a kind of mammal; and seeing what is added to mammal,
you can guess what the symbol means like a riddle.

Also when you watch those symbols for a while, don't you feel they look like
faces of a cow and pig? The symbols for main primates also look like their faces,
some people mailed me, in spite of the symbols were logically compounded for the meanings.

However complex ideograms must be hard to recognize the elements
by beginners and the persons, who are not familiar to that field.
So two more ways are usable to express a name of a thing,
using plural ideograms.
Species are also expressed by plural ideograms in these ways.

2) Using the hyphen mark to show that the left and the right symbols
are compounded as one.

or (shortened for the dabbled part ):
cattle (including cow, ox, bull and calf)
or : pig

As long as you see each between symbols, they all works together for a single concept.
Put the main symbol on top.
This way makes writing longer, but you can express things without knowing many EL ideograms.

3) Using the classification bracket
The single bracket is for classification of things/names.
For showing a kind of living thing, put the symbol of its above rank into the bracket,
and the ideogram of its characteristics on the right next.

shows (a name of mammal, milk): cattle
See more variations of cattle in the mammals' page.

For scientific naming, binomial nomenclature (two-name-combination way) has been used
since Carl von Linné (Carolus Linnaeus). the EL way looks similar to it.
However in the present binomial nomenclature, it's hard to guess if it's a name of what: a city,
person, plant or animal unless learning Latin; but in the EL way, it's easily distinguished which,
through just a little knowledge.

For scientific naming, go to the next.



他の一般概念と同様に生物やものの名前も基礎記号のイメージ 重ね文字の組み方


名前の表現要素となる基礎文字 には、特徴的な身体部分の記号や、形、色、大きさ、

1) 一文字表現


(哺乳類)が記号中に含まれていると、それは何らかの哺乳動物だと すぐにわかります。




の間ではダブってるので略して と表記する方法です。

いくつ記号をつないでも が各間にはさまれているなら、その統合が一つの概念を表します。


表記するものより上の階層の記号を 内に入れて、

は、 または


それらの中の詳しい品種を述べる場合には、コメの種類ならコメの記号を に入れ、


Reference (参考資料):
Wikipedia Animal and the sites under it
ウィキペディア 動物界以下の階層のページ
infoseek 動物界 (Animalia)以下の階層のページ
Ultimate Visual Dictionary: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. 1994

Classification of living things

Scientific classifications are always changeable, by discovering new biological systems
and mechanisms; also creating new hybrid species. Here shows the basic structure
of classification of lives. EL can be more flexible than Latin names.
So more details are easily added later in the same basic structure.
Now is compounded on top of each rank symbol for more sub regions,
and (origin) can be compounded for older kinds; also (human-made) is
compounded for hybrid type of things.

地球語では各層の「亜」に相当して (分ける)を重ねるほか、
原種を表して(元)を重ねる、ハイブリッドには (人工) を重ねる、などの方法で

The ranks of living things in EL (生物の階層)

(life) is classified as following steps.
The Examples of mankind in each rank follow on the right.

{life, recognition}: Domain (ドメイン)
{life, information}: Kingdom (界)............ Animalia (動物)
{life, relation}: Phyrum (門)...................... Chordate (脊索動物)
{ , divided}: Sub-phyrum (亜門),,,,, Vertebrate (脊椎動物)
{ , recognition}: Class (綱)................... Mammalia (哺乳類)
{life, field, line}: Order (目)..................... Primate (霊長類)
{life, go through, line}: Family (科)............ Hominidae (ヒト) * includes chimpanzee and Gorilla
{life, group}: Genus/Tribe (族/属)............. Homo (ヒト) * includes anthropoid/ape.
{life, unit}: species (種).......................... Sapiens (ヒト)

For more sub regions, you can add on top of a rank symbol as above Sub-phyrum.
亜門のように、より詳しい階層を示すには(さらに)分ける意味で を重ねて示します。
....... Sub-kingdom (亜界), Sub-phyrum (亜門), Sub-Class (亜綱), Sub-order (亜目),
Sub-family (亜科), Sub-genus (亜属)

Species Sapiens of Genus Homo of Family Hominidae of Order Primate of Sub-phyrum Vertebratu of Phylum Chordata of Class Mammalia of Kingdom Animal

The short form of above (上記の簡略した書き方): since the front character modifies the next, the last one is "Sapiens."

** and :
means both mankind and a person. When you show a person's name,
to distinguish from genus name Homo, add (a unit mark to mean an individual person)
in the bracket as ; do the same way for showing a dog's name or a cat's name,
compounding on top of the symbol of the thing in the bracket.
** は、ヒトおよび人の両方を表します。ヒト科 と人の名前の合図を区別するために、個人名を示す場合には、単位を表す記号 を伴ってとし、音声記号または表意の名前を続けます。イヌの名、ゾウの個々の名の場合も同様にイヌ・ゾウの記号に を重ねて類別括弧に入れます。

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