The comparison between the primitive world,
the common English world, and the world with EL
(Written/ by Yoshiko McFarland (Oct. 27, 2003))

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It is not very polite to cut out huge eras in a short time frame,
but I’m trying to compare these three eras, considering relations
between each society and the background language.
Please think about the necessity of EL with me.

the world with common English
the world with Earth Language
The expression was spurting
from life. Various ways were
used for a communication as
the result of natural moves/
workings of organs associating
with senses in the whole body:

# Movements:
Pointing out something,
imitating the shape or
movement of something,
and to express the speed/direction/sequence
of something

# Pictures, statues, models,
maps and arrow signs
These visual expressions could
reach different places and eras.

# Voices:
To express feelings as pain,
joy, anger, fear, sympathy and
threat, a call for leading a
group, to express something
by oral mimicking

Because of the common
systems of mankind, these communication ways could work between different groups.

# Words
The voice originally from
a feeling turned to be used
to recall for others the
image related to that voice;
also sometimes a voice worked ceremonially and powerfully to
call a secret feeling into the
depth of each heart.

# Vocal language with the changeable nature
English language is based on specific phonemes, and uses combining them to form words and messages.

A voice is what immediately disappears as soon as being pronounced. Because of this, a vocal language is changeable by nature. Using it, there is no way to protect dialects; also it’s hard to send a message directly to the far future.

# Alphabets
English uses only two sets of 26 letters: a small amount of memory for writing.

Because of this simplicity, the typewriter, printing machine, and computer were developed earlier, leading others into civilization, bringing up the global communication.

# Based on the English culture
Other people are hard to understand it. Sometimes they have to twist their expressions when using English, but English-only users can’t notice what was twisted. Because of this, mass misunderstandings and conflicts could happen, when depending on translators/ translation machines.

# Flexibility with difficulty
The grammar is more rational than other European languages, and the vocabularies are flexibly taken from all over the world. Therefore other people start to learn companionably, but on the other hand, the rules of parts of speech are often irregular; also there are many synonyms. So it’s not easy/simple to use it for even native English users, especially for managing/searching information.

# Clearness with a complete sentence
They usually express a complete thought with both a subject and a predicate; also by the sequence of subject – verb – object. So an English sentence is less misunderstood, but it does not simply express fuzzy thoughts so well.

# Intricate literature
As action and reaction of the English system, deep pursued or decorative and intricate literatures, poetry, riddles and plays on words were developed.

# Uncommon methods
Hand-signs, Braille and other communication methods have to be learned separately from English. Besides, those usages are only among very limited people.

In this world, minor languages are disappearing, and other languages are transforming influenced by English and the culture. The relation between majority and minority continues holding the gaps and conflicts between societies.

Sometimes in a communication in English among Asians, they feel somewhat out of place with detouring into English culture for expressing an Asian common thing.

# Based on visual symbols
Written symbols have unchangeable nature, compared to vocal ones. Also they have a possibility to be commonly understandable, easy for compounding and applicable for other methods to suit a common language widely and permanently. EL uses these natures.

# EL Ideogram
By compounding simple shaped EL bases to symbolize each basic meaning, unlimited expressions are produced; and you handle/read EL in your mother tongue: less effort is needed to learn.

Typing is also easy with EL software. In EL writings, finding a target is easier because of the strength of visual symbols.

# Based on nature, not a culture
The basic symbols for definition are based on nature including the elements that humans commonly recognize: as direction, size, time, color, move, etc.

Therefore the base would be stable, and yet you can express your cultural things by choosing combinations of the bases.

# Constructed for the global usage
From the beginning, EL is constructed with a large capacity and flexibility for the global society, gathering ideas and wisdoms from worldwide of all time.

# Free sequence for word order
The sequence of subject, verb, object in a sentence and the direction of modification are free, distinguished by each simple mark. You show a sentence in your mother tongue order with those marks, and others understand what you imagined, recognizing the differences between the backgrounds of you and others.

# Applicative for multi-method
When your native language doesn’t work for a communication, you choose and use a way to suit the other from the EL multi-method, such as the hand/gesture –sign, the swollen print (to work like Braille) and the eye-movement sign, each related to each shape and meaning of the written base. Vocal communication is possible, too, sounding names of bases.

The basic symbols of the multi-method are set as naturally as possible in the usage: as picture-like notations, arrow kind of notations, pointing some direction by the finger for sign, etc. So you would feel friendly with EL as your own auxiliary language. Also if you once learned, you hardly forget the EL bases with the many memory clues in your body for the multi-method.

Phonetic express-
and record

The sounds of human voices
could have unlimited diversity.

But they gradually limited and regulated the sounds to
compose words for
communication, learning the pronunciation from each
parents and society.

Sending names were sometimes important. For this purpose
they started to use a picture,
to show only a sound of the
word of the meaning of
the picture.

But the correct pronunciation
ways have not been sure for
the outer people/posterity.
Even if an oral tradition has
continued, there is no proof
to show that it is the same
as the original.

# Variable phonetics
The Latin alphabet was originally developed to show a phoneme, but the reading has been varied to suit each language. The English came from many sources, and got many dialects while spreading widely.

Then it has varied ways to pronounce a letter in the writings, especially in vowels; also there are many ways to show a pronunciation: e.g. 18 different spellings for [sh].*

Spelling is a problem of leaning English; also whenever you newly learn a foreign language, you have to study the phonetics of each language.

# Development of audio technology
Sound recorders, telephone, radio and television are popularized, and people can directly send/receive a vocal message beyond space and time. So if you have the economical ability to use them, you can learn to distinguish vocal sounds through the ears.

# Variable pronouns
The English alphabet sometimes hardly shows foreign names: the pronunciations are twisted because of the writings. And yet English- only users can’t know that the pronunciations are incorrect from the original. Because of this varied pronunciations of a pronoun, many names can’t go through global communications.

# Initial abbreviations
The abbreviation way using alphabet initials is very simple, but if you are not familiar with the abbreviation, there are less clues, and you can’t guess what it is about.

# Stable phonetics
The EL phonetics shows how to pronounce a sound scientifically as detailed as needed. The phoneme bases are more than the Latin alphabets, and complicated phonemes are shown by combination of plural bases.

The EL phonetic system is only for sounds, separated from the definition system, even using the same shapes for both. So the standard never changes and is stable beyond the gap of time/area, commonly helping to learn any languages and developing various vocal performances.

# Visual help
Only using ears, sometimes it’s hard to understand how to pronounce a sound. The EL phonetics visually helps to know each pronunciation showing how and which organ is used.

# Proper noun in the original sound
Using EL phonetics, people try to call all names in each original pronunciation, so proper nouns can globally go through

# More clues in an abbreviation
You can have more sound clues in an EL abbreviation symbol, or can simplify it, too. Also it is with a classification symbol to show what kind the proper noun is. In the global society the abbreviation system has to be kinder than a local way.


# Intuition
They had to face to their
lives and deaths daily;
so their senses and intuition
are sharpened.
Imagining the whole world
through intuition,
they lit up their way.

Their imaginations gradually
grew into religious traditions.

# Storing of
observation of nature

With appreciations and fears, people observed nature,
left them all at the mercy
of their environment.
Based on this observation,
they planned their events
and created things.

The relations between their
land and the movements of the celestial bodies, and between a season and animals/plants were observed carefully for a long
time, handing it down
generation to generation.

# Imaginations by
combining things

They created new tools
combining different things:
e.g. axes/spears are from
wood + stone, potteries
are from clay + fire;
combining sounds for basic meanings also made new words.

Connecting plants and soil, and connecting a human and a human, their families and forest/society could grow sustaining their life cycles, they were strongly conscious of it.

# Thoughts by
interchanging images

For recording and counting days and things/creatures/
people, they interchanged those things and stones/
twigs/knots of strings.
It was also the beginning
of calculation and planning.

# The present is
the standard

In the illiterate world, they
did not have to imagine time
as a constant horizontal axis.
Their viewpoint had to
be always in the present,
and primitive oral literatures
told about ancient stories only related to their present world.

The features of English as below influence others, who use English as the second language. Most people on earth suffer from contradiction between their culture and English, however English- only users can’t know what is in others minds.

# One line logic
Powerful persuasion with one line logic is raised by the alphabet writings in one line and the clearness to make sense in a sentence by the grammar.

# Opposition and competition
The grammar and the tradition to think scaling by a balance always tend to let people to try to have a competitor to win.

Also they tend to cope with problems one by one, not allowing ambiguity without imagining the whole vision. So the world would be more and more unstable.

# Precedence of efficiency
In this competitive society, efficiency takes priority, focusing on an immediate profit, speeding up decisions, and using the measurements of money and law. So this world has a tendency to leave primitive cultures, invisible depth of qualities and slow minorities behind.

# Individualism
Since it’s hard to see the whole world, people tend to be self-centered individualists.

# Less chance to face each life
Mass people, except the top and the bottom classes of this competitive world, usually need not face their own ‘life/death’ daily; also not many people find a lively joy in their works. Some in the shade might take antisocial thoughts/behavior.

# Conquest of nature
The English tradition has regarded nature as an object to conquer. Wresting things out of nature, the people have dealt with a nature problem after it’s really happened. They don’t think that their bodies and lives are also a part of nature.

# Christian background
With the English language, ideas of Christianity and the traditional events spread over other areas.

The basic point of time has been set as the birth of Jesus. Some other religious people might feel antipathy to use it. Also the Christian era is counted from 1, not 0; so the calculation of time doesn’t match to the modern mathematical way.

# Vision of decline
After efficiency, people tend to seek transient happiness, getting fruits without hard labor on their processes, seeing decline in the world.

# Visual thoughts
The custom to use visual symbols and signs stimulates visual thoughts to over look the whole view/world, catching many elements at once. It works for balancing one’s mind, especially for alphabet users with one-line logics.

# Objective thoughts
By using two kinds of image measurements: traditional ones and EL based on nature, people are evenly trained to think more objectively looking back at themselves from other angles.

# Harmonizing the whole body
Using the EL system: combined primitiveness and rational ideas, with various organs of senses and movements, stimulates the brain more evenly to lead it to work in a well-balanced way. When such individuals gather, the society also could be carried harmoniously.

# Knowing differences
The relationship starts from recognition of differences between backgrounds, and brings a deeper understanding.

# Thoughts by compounding
The EL expressions by compounding fundamental meanings customize people to think for themselves, not just taking on knowledge by trust. A new combination of meanings could stimulate a new discovery; also some people could use EL symbols secretly and ceremonially or for drawing a mandala, each searching for their own inner world.

# Interest for nature/lives
The symbols of nature and life are often seen as the bases of EL daily, and stimulate people’s interests in them. Observing nature scientifically, they feel themselves also as a part of nature.

# The common calendar
The basic point of time in EL is set as the start point of the global society; also starts at the 0 year, not the 1, to suit the mathematical way.

# Even-handed feeling
By starting to raise EL worldwide together, people feel free from the consciousness to be a majority/minority in their relationship.

# Hope
Sharing the EL project that connects to far future, people could have a hope to light the future, instead of a view of termination. Even finding a difficulty on communication could be a good chance for a new device.


# Grandparents
The people in one’s prime
had to be busy to support
their community for food,
clothing and shelter.
The entire commune,
especially elderly people
took care of and educated
little children.
In this short life era, elderly people’s experiences an
wisdoms were much
respected, working for
drawing the members’
minds together.

# The aim
It’s clear for children to get
the ability to administer
in their society,
working with others.
So they could have
joy rather than pain on their training step by step.
The contents:

# Drills for finding risks
and perils
, avoiding them,
and confronting troubles

# Trainings for patience
and device
for lack of
water/food and hard
weather/labor, and their
daily manner in their society

# Survival ways
for finding water and foods,
making fire, forecasting
weather, etc.

# Watching and listening
to nature
for hunting and collecting things

# Assisting and playing
Techniques to make tools,
clothes and houses, and
to collect plants, animals
and useful rocks

Children learned these
things while assisting
adults’ works; also they
learned through imitating
the work in a play with

Their education was usually
with whole body practicing;
not just giving knowledge.

# Patrimony
They handed down their
ancestral story, traditional
songs, dances and
ceremonial performances to
unite and harmonize
hearts of the community

Educational institution

The fundamental education depends on school and nursery school rather than home, since most parents are busy in their occupations.

School education aims to raise children’s bodies and minds with the common knowledge to live in the society, but the styles of society are locally varied.

First children learn the fundamental things for their society in their local language. After that in many cases, they learn the second language English to study technical matters more or to get higher degrees of sophistication.

Native English users usually learn a foreign language electively.

The feature
# If you are economically lucky, you are free to raise your talent in any directions.

# The higher civilization you live in, the more knowledge you have to get. Placing much emphasis on knowledge, the brain and the body are not easy to grow in a healthy condition. Reducing personal communications, it’s not easy to keep a class in a family way.

# In the competitive background, in school or at home, they feel stress .

# The more technical specialization, the more difficulty for wider vision

# Reducing chances of communication between children and their grandparents’ generation, traditional lively history and wisdoms are hardly handed down .

# It takes a lot of time and effort to study English, but it’s very easy to forget it, if there is no chance to use it.

# Amounts and contents of information are much different between languages. The users of minor languages tend to lose their confidence, and to neglect to raise each native language and culture.

# Educations by big medias in the thinking way of English might let the world rush to an unexpected direction, such as the run of the U.S. after 9/11, in spite of including multi-ethnics in.

# English is so changeable, and the data has to be often renewed . Then people incline to develop for only self-benefits without thinking the following generations, and the custom makes English more changeable.

# Normal people usually don’t know sign language and Braille. So handicapped people have to be always a minority, suffering with the consciousness of being a bother in society.

If a normal person suddenly lost her/his sight/hearing by accident, s/he has to learn a new communication method from the beginning at her/his depression time.

Home + school + media

# EL is not taught like a foreign language.

In a picture book/game, the EL picture-like symbols help infants to understand their mother language.
School children also are helped for learning new words and things by EL as combinations of basic meanings.
Later EL helps to learn any other languages as well.

At the beginning of the EL development, teachers and parents learn it with children together.

Thus children worldwide naturally get two measurements of thought: one is based on each mother culture; another is based on nature and universally used.

# Experience to raise EL all together
Not only taking knowledge and technology, students share the experience worldwide to participate into raising EL to open their new world. They would be highly motivated with hope by this.

All mankind stands at the same start line for the EL world; especially people in an emerging nation and handicapped people must be encouraged to join it.

# Environment and globally common sense
EL assists to understand common subjects: about the common sense in the global relationship, the environmental knowledge, by the visual help, using the common EL side readers. Children/student sometimes discuss about the subjects worldwide through the Internet in EL. They could have various angles to think and imagine a thing, while being interested in harmonizing with others.

# Multi-method
EL is used for practical subjects as dances with imaginations, and vocal. Whole body joins to think by this education.

# Having EL, multi-racial classes can be more fun than single ones; even a deaf student might be able to join in a ordinary class. Through this education, students would be ready to open their hearts to others.

# An EL data can be used among generations as it was. So that people would be more careful and essential for their studies/publications, seeing farther in the future.

# At the early stage, EL instruction must be opened to the public worldwide through various ways of classes and medias.

Since the EL system is hard to be forgotten and helpful for many ways, having chances to communicate with foreigners or not, EL would still be useful for each private educational usage: such as for a note, arranging images, and stimulation for a new creative idea.

# At early time, the world must be heated by the debate about the ways to use EL. The debate would be an important process for finding out the way of the future global education, and for going over the hardest peak of human history. Even in a home, a family learns EL together over generations, arguing about it. This new custom might help to strengthen the bond of each family.

# Concerning
The EL popularization might make complex idiomatic writings as Kanji/Chinese characters to be forgotten from daily life. Also data in traditional languages might be less referred to. While popularizing EL, people in each field/culture should open their consciousness about what is bequeathed to the future.

Economy and society
Primitive community
centered on a relative

#‘Economy’for them meant managing and
maintaining their
; supporting
the members’ lives was
the foundation of the society.

Their lives were severe
daily, and perhaps one
couldn’t live when
becoming completely
useless to others.

# Food, clothing and
housing, all are depending
on nature
. Seasonably
they moved seeking foods
in their annual cycle.
While taking the same
annual route for collecting
and hunting, they started
the first step of agriculture
by selecting and protecting
their useful plants in
the wildness.

The society was neither too
large nor established in a
land, until cultivating crops.
Crops could be stocked and
boiled when eaten;
and made the people safer.

# Cooperation, conflict and
barter were taken between communities. Perhaps they
liked to listen to explorers’
talking about the outer

Communications of small
population had to be hearty
and sincere for harmony

rather than thinking each
private benefit.

# An intuitive person, who
could watch/sense the
environment to imagine the world/future leaded to
balance a community.

They used symbols and had ceremonies: the culture was
the beginning of religion.

# Information flew very
slowly, developing tools and techniques as well. But their slowness made their lives
and hearts thicker, warmer
and richer; perhaps that’s
why posterity respected
them as deities.

Civilized world with free enterprise system

# Monetary world
Since the common measurement of value is money, people tend to seek/compete for money believing that economic growth means to move more money, and richness comes with money.

# Environmental damage
In this civilized world, occupations are variedly specialized, and materials move around the globe.
Most people don’t stand on their feet. They can’t see the process of a production, and are losing seasonable and natural senses for food.

Because of this system and the monetary competition, makers/producers tend to shorten the process or to produce at smaller cost, bringing exhaustion to the earth and various environmental pollutions.

Also losing traditional sustainable agricultural ways to suit each land, and the uneven distribution of food sources and water brings risks when a wide disaster happens.

# Gaps
As the result of freely pursuing personal benefit, the rich become increasingly richer using cost differential between areas, widening the economical gap between them and the victims of their squeezing/pollution.

# Laws
While laws get more and more complicated and specialized, the moral and religious mind are leaving from individuals. National laws used to be different depending on tradition and local situation, but the strong English way fixed by words for anything influences worldwide.

# Unbalanced popularization of knowledge
The volume and the speed of information in a civilized area are too huge to get the total vision of the world, while other areas are out of them.

# Democracy?
Their motto is democracy, they say, but thus this English world supports unevenness.

The primitive people had not thought they were unhappy, but when measured by the English measurement, the similar lifestyle to them now is not regarded as happy. Also the environment of the original primitive lives is not any more in this era.

The feeling of unevenness by the common English world could continue to create conflicts and terrorism.

# Armaments
For protecting/suppressing conflicts and terrorism, high tech armament industries take large rate of economics to control the world. Armaments are for world peace, they say, but actually they use them for serving the national/private interest. The people who have never been in a war field support it believing it works as instant safety and benefit.

However a war eats huge fortunes and resources, while disordering participants’ normal consciences to kill lives, damaging the environment and important historical inheritances. In this world, wars are never ended.

# Thus the harmonious global world as a gathering of various nations hardly comes. Antipodal movements as anti-war, anti-pollution/nuclear are energetic, but in many cases concretely creative imaginations are lacking to build the real peace. Isn’t it because of the English one-line logic?

# Stresses
The way of “Time is money” makes people lose their leeway, and the stresses create ill bodies and minds. Using the body/brain unevenly daily, managing our own health is not easy. Medications and psychic counseling have been developed, dealing with each problem: not like Chinese ways to make a protected body before any problems happen.

# Lively pulse by substitutions
People often satisfy their lively pulse by substitutions as movies, novels, entertainments, watching sports and playing virtual games, instead of actual experiences.

# Charity
The society develops charities to support emerging situations and handicapped people, keeping differences between givers and takers of goodwill.

Layers of varied traditions and the global society

# Healthier economy
Getting another measurement based on nature, besides money, a lot of individuals from many angles of nature are always checking about the quality of economical movements. So their economy must be healthier, not just trying to increase money on their business and the global economy.

# Coexistence of diverse traditional cultures
While traditional religions, politics and arts are influenced by each other without crushing down, these carriers keep raising each culture by their will.

Dialects keep each local peculiarity with the users’ love for their homes. Even in an illiterate society, if they want to keep the tradition with only oral literature, they can do it communicating with others in the EL hand-signs.

# Sharing
Information can be shared more evenly worldwide. Manuals, maps, subtitles in films, advertisings in EL cover for all countries, read in each tongue, felt like their own things. Sharing the same data over time and eras links the world.

At a earlier time of EL prevalence, writing both EL and each local language is needed, but from the beginning, EL starts to work as powerful and convenient icons for many ways.

# Evenness
By the impartial way of communication, and getting the objective eyes, gaps between statuses would reduce; also monetary/armament powers become weaker to control the public.

# Armament reduction and provision for employment
People’s consciousness to coexist allowing different statuses helps to reduce conflicts between nations. Then armaments are not so necessary any more.

The former military are working for new jobs or creations putting each talent to account: such as the EL education, developing hard/soft-wares related to EL, Designing/performing using the EL symbols.

By this revolution, energy and natural resources are much saved, and anxiety about the environment and the society could be lighter. Instead of threatening to suppress, each nation directly aims at peace to invite others into harmony.

# Thinking about nature, each one deepens the consciousness into the environment. The gathering of them would naturally bring up the new global morality.

# Volunteer circles
A lot depends on volunteers worldwide to develop the EL dictionary, data/tools and spreading them. The participants share the dream to open this new world, seeking friendship over the fields and races. Then gradually many circles link and work together in/with/for EL. The EL volunteer circles could be an important foundation to build up the colorful peaceful globe.

# Insurance for communication ability
In this mechanical world, anybody could happen to have an accident at anywhere anytime. Only money insurance doesn’t cover enough for communication. In the EL world, people can take whatever method to suit the occasion. Also being familiar with the multi-method, one feels more for other’s status.

# Activation of disabled people
The EL signs and touching symbols are readable for ordinary people too; so disabled people equally communicate with any others. They can display their talents grown in their special conditions, and use them for the global society. They are now free from stress by not being burdens for the general society.

# Thus the global society goes for peace with hope; so each one feels relaxed and tends to enjoy more various communications for positive purposes rather than working hard for money. Then EL and all traditional languages also would grow in better shape.

# Judgment from mother languages
For the global world to be one, it is important for the people to keep looking ahead through traditional eyes as well.

* Reference book: "The story of English" (Robert McCrum, William Cran, and Robert McNail, Elisabeth Sifton Books - Viking, 1986)

Footnote (about the main past communication systems in the human history)
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