Story of My Vegetable Garden (私の畑の物語) (30) Sudden Disease

English translation:

The tomato plant was very fine until September 25th.
After the next rainy day, its leaves suddenly got weakened
because of disease, and most fruits got eaten by a lot of slugs.
On the 27th, I had to kill 100 slugs, and learned about the difficulty of farming.

(The plant name of Tomato is almost common worldwide, so here
it is shown as [vegetable name] + a shortly compounded form of
the sound of {t,o,m,a}. In the future, probably a new overlay ideogram
for tomato would be made.)

Japanese translation:

「野菜名」+t,o,m,a の音声記号を重ねた略記号で表しました。

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