Story of My Vegetable Garden (私の畑の物語) (5) Snow? in May

English translation:
It was often rainy this week, and while rain stopped, snow was falling. The snow of cottonwood in May...
* In the first sentence in EL, the subject is [this week] without using [it] in English to explain about the condition.
* Cottonwood is temporary shown by two characters as "tall-tree-kind + (a seed floating in the middle of wind)
(photos: May 21, 2010)

fluffy and fleecy
the future of life is
in wind's hand

holding a life,
looking at its center,
a galaxy dances

Japanese translation:
* コトンウッドは羽毛に包まれた種を降らす高木です。

ふわりふわ いのちの未来は風の手に


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