A Poem and Pictograph in Earth Language( EL ) for this month -- April  '02 --

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This is an EL( Earth Language ) experimental page to enjoy the image/meaning of a short poem originally in English/ Japanese. When you can't see the  Japanese parts, please skip them.
    For this month, I chose a haiku by Sean Lause who is an English  teacher  in Ohio. It's in the web site " Haiku Harvest 2001B" edited by Denis Garrison*.
     Daytime is getting longer and longer, and for a while after dark,  the air is not cold any more. In that atmosphere, there is a moment when a peaceful feeling and joy of life come up.  I recall the moment through this haiku; especially by the quiet sound of innocent ducks. Ducks usually symbolize 'winter' in a haiku. But I feel 'spring' better fit the total image of this haiku.
    By the way, though I'm not a duck, I like to taste and enjoy spring grasses. Now here in Bay Area, CA, Miner's lettuce, Nasturtium  and wild onions are soft and good in a salad, giving us the spring earth energy.

     今月は、オハイオで英語の先生をなさっているSean Lauseさんの俳句を"   Haiku Harvest 2001B"から取り上げます。どんどん日が長くなり、暮れてもしばらく冷えない空気のなか、しずかな平和につつまれることがあります。とりわけ鴨たちが無心に食べているかすかな音がいのちの喜びをふいに湧かせる・・そんな気分に私も誘われました。
   ところで鴨じゃありませんが私も春の野草をたべるのが大好きです。ここカリフォルニアでは日本とは香りがちがいますが、ここでも野の花や草のサラダを楽しんでます。  大地から春のエネルギーをもらえるような気がして。

Original Haiku:
dark lake,
the only sounds -- my breaths --
ducks nibbling the weeds
  In Japanese

In EL:

{08 ( little ),{02,23}( light )}: less light, dark( not completely ) (うす暗い)
{10 ( place ),37 ( nature ),47( holding ),59 ( water )}: lake (湖)
{02( one ),11 ( limitation )}:  only (のみ、だけ)
: {36 ( time ),42( wave )}: sound ( a sort of wave recognized by 'ear' and with 'time' ) (音)      
..   .. :  multiple instances of #01 are used to indicate a pause
{62( back  ),34( pronoun )}( this hand sign points the center of the chest by the thumb ): I, my, me ( by its position ); in this case this means "my", modifying the next noun as the position; (私の)
{67 ( life ),{70,42}( wind ),19( in ),20( out )}: breath(s)/ respiration (呼吸)
{{41( move ),70( air/ space  ),23}( 'bird' by the shape; as a fundamental character ),42( wave/ flowing water )}: water  bird (水鳥)
{gc( preposition ),gd( d-verb )}: like a verb + ing in English, this verb modifies the front word (D動詞を構成して前の語を修飾する)
{{04,39} ( 'mouth' by the symbol shape ),24( hard )}}: beak(s) (くちばし)
47: receive (受ける)
    : nibbling ( with the beaks ) (くちばしでつついて食べる)
30: to show that the following is an accusative case of a verb (次語が動詞の対象格と示す)
{23,66( plant )}: grass(es)( a fundamental character by the shape ) (草)
( numbers are for each basis )
* Denis Garrison was an Academic Director of the World Haiku Club and an editor for the  World Haiku Review . If you are interested in trying to make haiku, I recommend you visit WHC.
When a haiku is in English, it has its English rhythm. When it's translated into another language, the original rhythm and some details can't be the same. Here the EL translation shows the image of a haiku/ poem, keeping the original sound as it is. But originally EL poems must be interesting with the visual rhythm, read in each language vocally. I'm looking forward to enjoying this way with others.

World Haiku Clubの創始者でイギリス在住の瀧口進さんが、 「英語俳句を作ろう!」のウェブサイトを開設しておられます。これを読むと、きっと試みたくなると思います。感性を育てながら、文化を越えて伝わるこころを探るおもしろさがあります。

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