Haiku and Pictograph in EL, "winter garden" by Desitee McMurry;
- February 2010 -

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This is an EL (Earth Language) experimental page to enjoy the image of a haiku/short poem originally in English or Japanese.
When you can't see the Japanese parts, please don't mind and just skip those parts, or see here to view Japanese.

According to emails, it seems to have been cold and snowy in the Eastern U.S., northern Europe and Japan this February. Please take care.
This time, I made a simple pictograph for a sketch-like haiku by Ms. Desiree McMurry. I saw this haiku at Three Questions series in [Blogging Along  Tabacco Road]. (It's a fun site; and you might want submit your haiku here, too.)
Anybody must be used to seeing this scene. I tried to imagine the scene replacing plants with humans. When we were young, our heading directions could be easily changed. But getting aged, most people turn to accept nature as it is without changing their accustomed ways, just like stems in a garden.

今回はBlogging Along  Tabacco Roadの「3つの質問」シリーズからDesiree McMurryさんのスケッチ風俳句(オリジナル:Yuki Teikei Geppo Study Journal, Jan-Feb 2008)を単純に絵文字表現してみました。誰も見慣れた光景ですが、そういわれてみれば、人間もまた若いうちは自在に方向転換しますが、枯れてくると癖のついた向きは変えにくくなるでしょうね。でもどんな姿勢であれ、枯れるにしたがってありのままで自然を受け入れるようになるのだろうと思います。

The original English haiku by Desiree McMurry
winter garden
the stems
go this way and that

The Japanese translation by hoo
冬の庭 茎はあちこち向いたまま

The EL translation

The symbol in the pictograph
: stem (茎) 
* Up-side-down of this symbol can be seen as (ways) of (human).
* 茎を表す文字を逆さにすると「人の道」 とも読めそうで、つい枯れた人間を想ってしまいました。

The symbols in the translation
{{nature, time}:season, in}: winter (冬)
{human made, nature, place}: garden (庭)
: the subject mark (文の主語を示すマーク): 
when the subject of a sentence is not on top, this mark indicates the subject 
{passage, plant}: stem (plural picture-like characters visually shows the amount)
: (vi.) face to (~に向いている)
{: the verb mark to show present condition), heading direction/go,  : preposition mark}
{this, place}: here (ここ)
{that,  }: there (pointing far away) (あそこ)

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