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General idea
Enormous numbers and Various base systems
Microscopic numbers
Mathematics formula
Base overlays with numerals 

General idea

The decimal system was started from the idea of our ten fingers, so that it could spread worldwide naturally.
EL numerals are also prepared corresponding with the decimal system for the most part.
Also the basic shapes of numerals are borrowed from the current almost universally used numeral figures*, saving extra memorization energy for EL. EL numerals are used in EL writings.
EL writes and  instead of three and thirty seven in English.

The basic idea is about the same as Arabic figures*, but some devices were made.
Also the EL numeral system has a convenient method, allowing a numeral overlay with another character.
* They call 'Arabic' figures because the style came to Europe through Arabic lands, but actually current Arabs uses somewhat different figures for numerals. The original idea to use zero was from India.
Numeral confusions between cultures:
English counts a large number having a pause at each third place, as 100,000,000 (a hundred million).
But it is hard to get the image for the people in the Chinese culture, because they put a pause at each fourth place, like 1,0000,0000(1- Oku in Japanese) in their system. Also British and American styles have different ways to define large figures of numerals:
One billion means raised ten to the nine power in the US, and means ten to the 12 power in UK, etc. We shouldn't have these confusions in EL.

EL (02 one) and (69 zero)* are used as elements of base overlays for other purposes, because of the simple and useful shapes. So these bases are included in the basic characters.
The figures of two to nine are used only for the meaning of each number and some characters related to each number.
See the 02 and 69 sections in the EL dictionary-site for other usage of these bases.

Here, I introduce just a few of my ideas. Hopefully mathematicians would find many more mathematically convenient EL usages using the compounding system.

Enormous numbers and various base systems

To show the place of a number, (69) is used putting the place number as a numeral base overlay. That's why the EL figures of two to nine are shaped a little smaller than .
The number in shows ten raised to the number power in the decimal system. By this way, typing is shortened without extra characters, and has uniformly little confusion for the place of a large number between different cultures.

: 100 or a hundred
: 2000 or two thousands
: 3150000 or three millions and a hundred fifty thousands
: 4000300 or four millions and three hundreds     
or  :
5000006000000 or five trillions and six millions (in US), five billions and six millions (in UK)

* When it's more than the ninth power, the base, (69) can't hold the number in. In that case, separate the x numeral into plural, and make the sum of the contents to the power number. Or use the definition-brackets putting in (dl) like the example above .

In other systems:

When it is not in the decimal system, the pair of d-brackets are used putting in the base number,
the base overlay, {21,69} (as the symbol for going with the left number base) and the power number. 

: fifty thousand in the six base system
: seven thousand in the twelve base system
: a hundred in the two base system

Microscopic numbers

To show a decimal point, (usually for a measurement unit or the period of a sentence ) is used.
Don't use (01) for this purpose.
Of course there is no empty space in the next of (32) in this case, unlikely the period usage.

: 0.25
: each independent number of zero / 25 / 50

Using a decimal point and a -numeral overlay, microscopic numbers are shown as the short figures. When seeing the base, (69) holding a number in a microscopic number, it means one tenth raised to the number power in the decimal system.

: 0.000005 or five a millionth
: 0.000000000333 or three point three three ten billionth
: 0.00700005

Mathematical formula

Not only numerals, EL has the similar figures to some readymade characters for mathematics usage,
as (25 plus), (04 minus), (26 multiply), (16 divide), (13 equal).
They usually work as general ideograms in EL with flexible meanings in bases overlays.
Also the bases can be used in a mathematics formula in the same EL typing system.
(16) is the same as the German symbol for dividing, and many countries are using it adding a horizontal line in the middle. I took this simpler figure because of the convenience to compound with another character.

the classification symbol for mathematics formula
Usually a mathematics formula must be more simplified than the general EL writing of the same meaning, and if you take the meanings to the opposite way, the result might be different.
Then the character is used to distinguish a mathematical formula part from other general writings as sentences, putting it on the starting place, and also at the end of the formula part with the preposition mark, as .

N.B. These mathematical usages of bases overlays are only a few now. Mathematics lovers, you can create as many mathematical characters as you like for your convenience. using the character system for the meanings/functions. Even if you newly create a base overlay, other people must understand it better than just using a Greek letter as the symbol.

Base overlays with a numeral

Many numeral figures are not always well recognizable when compounded with other characters.
But as long as recognizable, you can create a base overlay using one of the EL numeral bases (n2)--- (n9) with another ideogram, forming a meaning related to its number.
(02 one) and (69 zero) don't make so many characters as the meanings of these numbers (limited only), protecting from confusion with other usage.

The bases , , , , , , , , , , don't interfere with the numeral bases as well as , so you can compound a numeral with them as you need.
The bases , , , , , , , , , , , , can interfere.
with some numerals a little, but still might be able to work with a numeral in a base overlay.

Distinguishing between an amount and a sequence

A number in a big circle (33) shows the sequential number (not the amount),
as an English numeral attached th at the end.
E.g. : second, : fifth/5th.

In case the sequential number is greater than tenth,
the character { sequence x symbol} is put in front of that number.

Compare the following various cases:

: Three hundred forty five people
(The numeral shows the amount, so it’s clear that means people/persons but not just a person, without compounding the base, (plural).
or : The three hundred forty fifth person
: The third, the forth and the fifth people
: The forty fifth
: Forty five types of sequences
: The seventh building from the right
(: the combination of (sequence) and (the right direction):
the sequence from the right, {10,48}: building)
:The right seven buildings {02.20}: the right direction

Various examples of base overlays with numerals

: a picture ( ) with eight parts in a plane ( )
{n8,28,50}: octahedron (an object with eight planes)
: a picture in the eighth page
A number in {28,33}shows a sequential number of planes, like the page number.
Larger page numbers than tenth are shown putting in front of a number or in the end with preposition mark, as:

or : the 45th page{{22,33}(sequence),28(plane)}
: 45 pages (Adding (plural) to the page character is optional)

or : the second thing in five matters ( event/intangible matter)
: The joining ninth district to (the) eight districts ( {place x divided}: district, : the preposition to
: a two lane road {2 x line x road}
: the second finger (index) (: the second, {hand x branch}: finger
{three-legs-(thing)}: a tripod
: a spider ( eight x legs}: eight-leg-(thing) : insect (as a picture-like symbol)
or by compounding all together: YPx8FT Isn't this looking like a spider?
: three twisted thread ( {3 x lines}   thread )

For expressions of the distance of generations:
In EL, a relationship of kindred is expressed using (life) and or , depending on if the other’s generation is later (their time is in front) or earlier (their time is behind).
Also female is distinguished by (in), and male is distinguished by (out) in each character:
: parent, : mother, : father,
: a child/children (their ages are not the matter in this definition),
: daughter, : son

Then a generation distance can be shown adding a numeral to one of them: e.g.

: grandmother ({ ,}: two generations earlier mother)
: great grandfather ({ ,}: three generations earlier farther)

At first it might be hard to see the elements, but perhaps soon you’ll be used to them.
: the seventh generation ancestor { seventh,place}, parent
: The seventh generation descendants ( { plural, child/children)

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