This zigzag line started from the upper left corner represents friction looking like the teeth of a saw.
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the hand-shape-sign:
bending the all fingers like when a rake scratches (熊手で引っかく形の5指)
the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base from the upper edge (上からジグザグ)

name: [ze] (ze sound of zest) ( ゼ )

ASCII: z (similar looking)

phonetic value: [function] to change a phoneme into a fricative (重ねた音を摩擦音化する)

definition (single): friction, fricative situation (摩擦)


vi. become fricative situation (摩擦を受ける)
vt. make something in a fricative situation (何かを摩擦する)
vi. : rub the hands ( hands of the subject of the predicate become frictional ) (両手を擦る)
vt. : rub a leaf with ( the subject's ) finger (指で葉を擦る)

main images in base overlays:

06 also related to the similar concept 'resistance'. #06 is based on the opposite situation from others, and 12 expresses the relationship between the two poles.
( 06も似て、反・逆を意味するが、12は対極的な関係にかかわる)

1) Related to friction/frictional situation (摩擦に関係)
2) Symbolizing cogs or teeth kinds of tools or organs which work with friction
3) Relating to a concept with some bipolar system (両極を持つもの)
4) No relation to the original meanings; relates to the zigzag-shape of the base

examples of base overlay:

Related to friction/frictional situation (摩擦に関係)

{12,68(heart)}: anger, get angry (v. with gd), make (someone) get upset (v. with ge)
{{12,68},64(violent)}: fury, be enraged (v. with gd), infuriate (vt. with ge) (激怒)
{12,63(weak, gentle)}: gentle friction/patting, pat (something) (vt. with ge) (E動詞:なでる)
{12,64(violent)}: despotic/tyrannical (横暴な)
{12,67(life)}: stress (ストレス)
{12,39(feeling)}: irritate (いらいら)
{{12,39},27(plural): annoyed (悩まされる)
{12,{28(surface),39(sense)}}: itchiness, itchy situation (かゆみ)
{12,59(liquid)}: turbid (濁り、濁った)
{12,47(accepting)}: dirtiness / dirty (汚れ)
{{12,47} dirt, 04(minus)}: pure, purified, cleanse (vt. with ge) (汚れない、清ら)
{{12,47} dirt, 20( out)}: cleaned, cleaning, clean/sweep (vt. with ge) (掃除)
{, {42,20}flow away}: washing (洗い)
{12,48(environment): dust (塵)
{12,62behind}: rubbish, trash, waste (ゴミ)
{12,62,47container}: trash-can
{12,62,10place}: dump (ゴミ捨て場)
{12,{37,70}(sky)}: haze, hazy (霞)
{12,15(recognition)}: confusion (混乱)
{12,45(relation)}: trouble / have a trouble (vi. with gd), give a trouble (vt. with ge) (関係がこじれた状態)
{12,56(action)}: a dispute/fight (けんか)
{{12,56},64(violent)}: a battle, fight (vi. with gd) / set (something/someone) to fight (vt. with ge) (紛糾、紛争)
{12,21(heading)}: competition (as noun), competitive (as adj.), compete (vi. with gd) (競争)
{12,22(origin)}: the cause of friction (摩擦の元)
{{12,22},65(person)}: trouble maker (迷惑な問題人物)
OYWz nasty odor (いやな匂い) YWO(odor 匂い)
{12,43(clinging)}: tangled (もつれ)
{17(up) from 12}: conquer, over come (vi. with gd) (克服)
{18(down) from 12}: frustration, be frustrated (vi. with gd), frustrate (vt. with ge) (挫折)
{19(inside),12}: blaming, take the blame (vi. with gd), blame (vt. with ge) (責め)
{12,20(out)}: an attack, attack (v. with gd) (攻撃)
{12,23(change)}: revolution (革命)
{06(opposite) of 12}: slippery, slip (vi. with gd) (D動詞:滑る)
{28(surface){0612}}: smooth, burnish/polish (vt. with ge) (滑らか、E動詞:研磨する)
{12,28(sheet)}: rough (on surface texture) (ざらざら)
{69( zero ),12}: nonresistance, unresisting (無抵抗)
{12,35(continuation)}: intermittent (断続)

Symbolizing cogs or teeth kinds of tools or organs which work with friction (歯車や歯を象徴)

{12(cogs) in 02(one)}: gearing, gear (with something) (vi. with gd) (ギア、歯車)
{12,24(hard): tooth/teeth (as a fundamental character), chew (v. with gd) (歯、D動詞:噛む)
{{12,24},64(violent)}: fang/tusk (牙)
{12,{46,50}tool}: file/rasp/sandpaper (やすり)
{12,60(penetration)}: drilling (もみ込む状態)
{{12,60},50(goods)}: a drill(ドリル)
{{60,64)nail,12}: scratch (vt. with gd) (引っかき)
{12,05(cut)}: sawed situation, saw (vt. with ge) (挽き切り) Relating to a concept with some bipolar system (両極を持つものにかかわって)

{12,54(existence)}: contrast (対照)
{12,53(situation)}: contrastive (対照的)
{12,09(intangible matter)}: contradiction, contradictory (矛盾)
{12,10(place)}: polar (極)
{{17,33}(north),{10,12}}: the north pole (北極)
{{18,33}(south),{10,12}}: the south pole (南極)
{12,34(value)}: electricity, electric (as a fundamental character) (電気)
{{37,70}(sky),{12,34}}: electric phenomenon in the sky: both thunder lightening (雷)
{{37,70},{12,34},{02,23}(light)}: lightening (稲妻)
{{37,70},{12,34},42(a part of 'sound')}: thunder (sound part only) (雷鳴)
{14(way) 0f {12,34]}: electric cord (電気コード)
No relation to the original meanings; relates to the zigzag-shape of the base (ジグザグの形の関係)

{03(line),12}: folded or bent as zigzag shape for a cord kind of thing (not broken down separately),
fold (vt. with ge) (折りたたんだ状態)
{03,12, 16(parts)}: bent and broken down, bend to break down (vt. with ge) (折りちぎられた状態)
{12,31(the shape)}: a zigzag shape, zigzag shaped (ジグザグ)
{12,66(plant)}: fern (as the fundamental character; because of the shape of it's leaf) (シダ)
{{12,66},08(small)}: moss
(as the fundamental character, since by the similar system to fern but smaller) (苔)

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